Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Tonight we went out and played with the bubbles after supper. It was finally nice again after days of cold and rain. Before we went out, Bruce starting saying, "whooo, whooo" just like Bret. I got a little of it on video.

Bubbles were Jane's idea and she had a lot of fun with them.
It was her job to blow all of the bubbles. Bruce chased them for a while. Then Jane started catching them on the bubble wand and Bruce popped them for her. This worked well for a while.

Then there was a small disagreement...

Then they went their own way. Jane continued to blow bubbles and Bruce got occupied by the hill. He heard a noise and was convinced it was Daddy. He stood there and kept yelling, "Bret, Bret, Bret..." like I do when I'm looking for Bret.

After a while he decided Daddy wasn't going to answer and took off down the driveway. He is very motivated to leave home.

and then for no particular reason --

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